Who is behind the data?
The survey questions have been devised by Sustrans, Pushbikes, the Birmingham Cycling Campaign and Better Streets for Birmingham. Contact details have been collected by a third party.
This is not a rigorous scientific study. It is a way for us to share some of your views around these topics with the electorate in Birmingham.
If you have any further queries on how the questions were devised or on the methodology behind this survey, please get in touch via birmingham@sustrans.org.uk
Sources of Data
- Candidate details from Birmingham City Council
- Postcode search functionality from postcodes.io
- Ward information from the Office for National Statistics
- @ChrisWoodsSays for creating the survey response visualisation tool
- Sush Kelly for creating the website
- Volodymyr Agafonkin, a Ukrainian citizen from Kyiv in 🇺🇦, who created Leaflet, the fantastic, open source mapping tool used across the world and to show our Birmingham wards